PHP Zend Certified Engineers

With over 20 years experience in information technology, we are well qualified to satisfy your web design and general I.T. requirements. Our chosen development language is PHP5, a powerful and well supported open source product designed specifically for programming web applications.
Our staff are PHP 5 Zend Certified Engineers, the PHP qualification. There are less than 50 such engineers in New Zealand, let alone Tauranga so you can be sure that our engineers are fully qualified to undertake your site development.
You may be interested to know that Facebook, perhaps the best known web application uses PHP. Facebook has over 300 million users, amply demonstrating the PHP language's ability to run demanding applications. PHP is often bundled with the Apache web server, the most popular web server software in use today, and the popular MySQL database.
RedHat Certified Engineers

Collectively, these applications are known as the "AMP" stack, and are usually distributed with the Linux operating system, also known as "LAMP" or as a Microsoft® Windows® package, "WAMP". Our preferred hosting platform is based on LAMP and as RedHat Linux Certified Engineers, we are qualified to configure and manage your installation. Linux is a UNIX like open source operating system that is extremely popular as a web host operating system due to its robustness, security and low cost of ownership.
There's more to Linux than web services, however. Linux is capable of just about anything and makes a fine email server, file and print server or remote backup device. We are more than happy to discuss requirements with you.
Content Management - Putting You in Control

You may be familiar with the term content management. Put simply, this means you are able to update your own website independently. A content management system, or CMS, is a software application that allows you to do this without needing any web design skills or experience. All you need is a modern web browser, such as Internet Explorer 11 or Firefox and you're away.
We are specialists in the installation, deployment and customisation of Concrete5 CMS. Best of all, both of these applications are open source and will therefore cost you nothing other than our time to configure and support.
Once we have designed you a template, both of these CMS systems will use the template to generate all the pages on your site. Yes - our site uses Concrete5 to generate its pages, we practice what we preach.
What makes us unique, however, is our application design and development, which we integrate seamlessly into your chosen CMS system.