Compiling PHP7 on Ubuntu
Posted: 19/01/16
PHP7 - Faster Than a Fast Thing That's Really Fast
PHP7 was released in December 2015, and promises a massive increase in speed. Some benchmarks have claimed it to be at least twice as fast as PHP 5.x.
So, is it really that fast? In a word yes, it's blindin'.
Because our servers use PHP-FPM it's actually really easy to test out the speed differences. I did a default installation of concrete5, which is PHP7 compatible. Inserting some debug into the concrete5 core to log the time to render and shut down the concrete5 dispatcher, this is what I found.
- PHP 5.3, all C5 caches OFF- 1.8 seconds
Hmm. Typical slightly sluggish performance without the cache on. - PHP 5.3 all C5 caches ON- 0.7 seconds
The benefit of the caching system is evident. - PHP 7.0 all C5 Caches OFF- 0.86 seconds
Oh wow - that's over 100% faster - or less than half the time. - PHP 7.0 all C5 Caches OFF, Zend Opcache enabled - 0.4 seconds
That's mental, but wait, there's more: - PHP 7.0 all C5 Caches ON, Zend Opcache enabled - 0.18 seconds
That's 1000% faster, or just 10% of the first result.
So, yes, it really is that fast.
Compiling PHP can take a while to figure out. Most of the issues are to do with dependencies and some unexpected stupidity from the configure script (You'd think that it would use /usr/include as a default in all cases, but it doesn't, I'm looking at you libjpeg - "imagecreatefromstring(): No JPEG support in this PHP build").
You'll need the following development packages (for Debian/Ubuntu):
- autoconf
- make
- gcc
- g++
- libxml2-dev
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- lib32bz2-dev
- libenchant-dev
- libpng-dev
- libxpm-dev
- libfreetype6-dev
- libicu-dev
- libmcrypt-dev
- libpspell-dev
- libreadline-dev
- libjpeg8-dev
which are installed with "sudo apt-get install"
The configure command we used, which gives us the same module list as the vendor supplied 5.3 version was:
The next trick is to download Imagick for PHP7
Points to note.
- The --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include is necessary otherwise the GD library throws a hissy fit about not having JPEG support.
- --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/freetype2 is also needed otherwise GD can't use fonts which makes you CAPTCHA images a bit poorly and somewhat impossible to solve.
- apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
- wget
- unzip
- cd imagick-phpseven
- /usr/php7/bin/phpize
- ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/php7/bin/php-config
- make
- make install
It's also necessary to add the module to your php.ini